Написати відгук про компанію Везерфорд Украина в Києві
Weatherford is one of the largest global providers of products and services that span the formation evaluation, well construction, completion and stimulation, and production cycles of oil and natural gas wells. Employing more than 50, 000 people in over 100 countries, Weatherford has more than 1066 service bases. The Company’s network also includes more than 100 globally distributed manufacturing facilities and 34 technology development and training facilities. Our MISSION is to help clients optimize the economic value of their reservoirs with one of the industry’s broadest offerings of expertise, services and products that span the formation evaluation, well construction, completion and stimulation, and production cycles of oil and natural gas.Weatherford is committed to your success!Our commitments to you are simple and straightforward: •Individual DevelopmentWeatherford wants you to succeed •Competitive Pay for Competitive PerformanceWeatherford wants to make sure you are rewarded for superior performance •A Safe Place to WorkWeatherford wants to provide youwith a safe work environment
Украина, Киев, Большая Васильковская улица, 72 Київ, Киевская область
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* Користувачі, які залишають коментарі, несуть повну правову відповідальність за їх зміст. Інформація про IP-адреси зберігається. Сайт Cataloxy.com.ua не несе відповідальності за зміст відгуків та вправі передати інформацію про їх авторів на запит компетентних органів.